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Hip Pain

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What Should I Do If I Have A Hip Flexor Strain?

What Should I Do If I Have A Hip Flexor Strain?

Hip pain can be a real roadblock to your daily routine, whether you feel it when standing and moving around or when trying to get work done at your desk. Among the various types of hip discomfort, hip flexor pain stands out, affecting many people across different...

Is thigh pain after hip replacement normal?

Is thigh pain after hip replacement normal?

If you’re experiencing consistent or worsening hip pain that isn’t improving with medication or walking aids, then it’s possible that you’ll need a hip replacement. But even though the hip replacement can make a world of difference, it doesn’t mean that you won’t...

4 super exercises for reducing postpartum hip pain

4 super exercises for reducing postpartum hip pain

Your pelvic region is a ring of bones at the bottom of your spine that includes your tailbone, your sacrum and your hip bones. When a woman gives birth, these bones can sometimes take a beating. Pain in the hips is one of the most common complaints of women who have...