You may have heard that neck stiffness can be a sign of a serious condition — but how do you know when to seek out an evaluation? When neck stiffness is serious, it’s usually accompanied by other symptoms. In this blog post, we’ll talk about eight signs your neck...
Neck Pain
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5 strategies for relieving stiff neck discomfort and headaches
Anytime you’re feeling tension and stiffness in your neck, a headache might not be far behind. The nerves in your head and neck are all connected, so it happens often. A headache that starts with problems in the neck, such as arthritis or a herniated disc, is called a...
5 tips for getting better sleep with a stiff neck
If you’ve ever woken up with neck pain and stiffness from sleeping, you know it can ruin the rest of your day. It’s hard to imagine how sleeping can cause so much tension to build up in just one night or even a few hours of sleep. It’s understandable that you might...
Why do I have muscle pain in the front of my neck?
If you have pain around the front of your neck, you may think it’s caused by a sore throat. However, if your pain isn’t accompanied by any other symptoms of a sore throat and instead feels connected to the movement of your neck, you may have a musculoskeletal injury....
3 ways PT can help if you still have chronic neck pain after a cervical fusion
Cervical fusion is a surgery meant to help patients who suffer from chronic neck pain. While most cases of neck pain can be treated without the need for surgery, some patients experience pain between the discs in their spine that does not go away even after treatment....
Discover the likely culprit behind your neck’s cracking sounds
Have you ever been sitting for hours in front of your computer or television screen, when the moment you turn your head in a different direction you experience a cracking sensation in your neck? You probably heard a loud cracking sound in your ears as well, right?...
How can physical therapy be helpful for neck arthritis?
Neck arthritis, or cervical spondylosis, is a condition that can dramatically affect your daily life. Fortunately, physical therapy can be very helpful for managing neck arthritis. The knowledge that physical therapy is useful for cervical spondylosis could be useful...
What physical therapy methods are used for a pinched nerve in the neck?
There are many physical therapy methods that can be used for treating a pinched nerve in the neck. In fact, physical therapists will typically use a combination of therapy methods that is unique to each patient. A pinched nerve in the neck is also called cervical...
Why do I have neck pain when looking down?
Neck pain is one of the most common types of chronic pain. Occasional soreness after a long day of sitting with poor posture is usually nothing to be worried about and goes away with a little time and home treatment. However, prolonged neck pain can occur when you...