If you experience shoulder pain, tension or tightness, you’re not alone. In fact, these shoulder symptoms affect around a quarter of all adults. The good news is you may be able to reduce these uncomfortable symptoms with just a few exercises every day. Are you...
Shoulder Pain
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Three steps you can take at work to avoid a fall onto your shoulder
If you think back, there’s a decent chance that you can remember a time when you had a fall at work. You might have landed on your knee, hands, elbow or shoulder, and you may even have injured yourself. The National Safety Council reports that 244,000 workers fell...
Three common shoulder injuries from falling
You’re walking around your house. You stumble on the edge of a rug and fall on your shoulder. Such a scenario is a fairly common one, and it can have serious consequences. For instance, many common shoulder injuries result from falling, and falls are often a source...
These five issues could be causing your shoulder and upper arm pain
It’s hard to count how many things you use your shoulder and upper arm for every day, and pain in these areas can make every one of them harder to do. For instance, grabbing your coffee mug from a cabinet is suddenly tougher. Driving your vehicle can also be more...
Do you need surgery for a partial rotator cuff tear?
Your shoulders are able to power your arms through a wide range of motions thanks to the rotator cuffs. Each shoulder joint is held together and powered by a group of muscles, tendons and ligaments that make up the rotator cuff. When one of the muscles or tendons in...
Three shoulder impingement exercises used in physical therapy
A common cause of shoulder pain that affects many people is shoulder impingement syndrome. However, you’re probably more familiar with its common name — pinched shoulder. Shoulder impingement syndrome causes pain in the shoulder and limits its range of motion. The...
What does it mean when the top of my shoulder hurts?
The answer to this question could be harder to find than you might think. One reason for this is that the shoulder is such a complex joint. Another reason is that shoulder pain is so common. Researchers who have studied shoulder pain reveal that up to 70% of people...
Golf-related shoulder pain? Try physical therapy
Golf is a wonderful pastime that inspires passion in many. However, we all know that it can put stress on our body, especially for the more competitive golfers among us. In addition to the back, the shoulders can be a common source of injury due to the forces applied...
Two shoulder injuries you could get from a fall
Falling is one of the most common ways to injure yourself. In fact, the National Council on Aging (NCOA) reports that more than 2.8 million fall injuries are treated by hospital emergency rooms every year. Many of these include shoulder injuries, and it’s important to...
Treatment for frozen shoulder pain — how physical therapy can help
Also known as adhesive capsulitis, frozen shoulder can be a painful and debilitating condition to live with. The shoulder joint is protected by a capsule of tissue that connects the arm to the torso, and frozen shoulder occurs when this capsule tightens around the...