How to fix a bulging neck disc: Two effective options

You’re sitting at a stoplight, and bam. You get rear-ended by another car. Or, your stooped and intent posture as you work on the computer turns into neck pain. Either of these factors could be the reason you have a bulging neck disc, and there are two treatment options you should consider that can help fix your bulging neck disc. 

1.   Rest

One treatment option that’s critical to fixing a bulging neck disc is rest. Resting parts of the body allows them to naturally repair themselves, but this may mean you have to change your routine a bit. For instance, people who have developed bulging neck discs from poor posture should try to avoid activities that lead to the bad posture. This may mean not working on your computer for a while, or you can try adjusting your computer screen to prevent poor posture. 

Resting the neck may also be more effective if it’s being properly supported at night. This means your pillows and mattress should be helping you keep the spine straight as you sleep, and you may need to adjust your sleeping arrangements if this isn’t the case. 

2.   Physical therapy

After you give your neck a chance to rest, physical therapy can be used to help fix a bulging neck disc. There are two therapy techniques in particular that can help with this type of neck issue. 

Manual therapy

Manual therapy is a broad category, and the techniques in this category all involve the therapist using their hands to increase your ability to move your neck. Some manual therapy movements are intended to stretch tight neck and shoulder muscles, and this can help reduce pressure on your bulging disc. Other movements can help break up scar tissue on healing muscles, tendons and ligaments. 

Therapeutic exercise

Another physical therapy technique that can help fix a bulging neck disc is therapeutic exercise. In some cases, the bulging disc in your neck can be a result of weak neck muscles. These muscles are supposed to help support the neck vertebrae, but weak muscles aren’t as supportive. This can place extra pressure on the disc and cause it to bulge. 

Physical therapists can introduce you to therapeutic exercises for the neck muscles. These exercises can help increase the strength of these muscles. In turn, this means they’ll be able to better support the neck vertebrae, which can help stop neck discs from bulging. 

Find out how Continuum Wellness can help fix your bulging neck disc

At Continuum Wellness, we’ve helped people treat many types of neck problems, and this includes bulging discs in the neck. Our team will begin your therapy by performing a one-on-one screening, and this is intended to help us figure out why your disc is bulging and what symptoms it’s causing. Once we have this information, we’ll build you a personalized therapy plan designed to offer benefits like: 

  • Reduced pain
  • Increased muscle strength
  • Improved flexibility
  • Increased ability to perform normal daily activities

Are you ready to get our help with your neck issue? Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an appointment.

For more information, Contact Us Today.

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