Occupational therapies that treat carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a type of workplace injury that has grown in frequency in recent years. There are occupational therapies that may help treat carpal tunnel syndrome, but you may not know where to turn for this type of therapy. Luckily, there’s a team of physical therapists that may be able to help you.

At Continuum Wellness, our team has been helping Apache Junction, Arizona residents find the physical therapy they need for years. During our time in business, we’ve committed ourselves to helping every patient achieve the highest possible level of health. One tool that allows us to help people meet this goal is our personalized therapy plans. We can build these plans to help patients with many medical issues and injuries, and one of the most successful types of treatment we offer is plans that use occupational therapies to treat carpal tunnel syndrome.

Some occupational therapies we use to treat carpal tunnel

You may not be aware how helpful occupational therapies can be for treating carpal tunnel syndrome or even have much information at all about the condition.

The carpal tunnel is a small passage that runs through the thumb side of your wrist and into your hand. This passage gives the median nerve space to run through the other structures of your wrist. Pinching of the median nerve is referred to as carpal tunnel syndrome.

This condition may cause you to experience many symptoms. For instance, our team often has patients complain of pain in their hand, wrist or forearm when they have carpal tunnel syndrome. Our patients also commonly experience symptoms of numbness, tingling and loss of grip strength with this condition.

In order to help our patients deal with carpal tunnel syndrome, our team can create a personalized occupational therapy plan that may include therapies such as:

  • Therapeutic exercises
  • Manual therapy
  • Taping
  • Ergonomics training
  • Compression therapy

By building you a plan with these and other therapies, our team may be able to help you achieve a number of benefits. For instance, we may be able to more rapidly reduce your pain. We may also be able to help you find ways to prevent a recurrence of carpal tunnel in the future.

Does occupational therapy to treat carpal tunnel sound like a service you need? Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.

For more information, Contact Us Today.

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