4 super exercises for reducing postpartum hip pain

Your pelvic region is a ring of bones at the bottom of your spine that includes your tailbone, your sacrum and your hip bones. When a woman gives birth, these bones can sometimes take a beating. Pain in the hips is one of the most common complaints of women who have recently given birth. Postpartum hip pain can make it difficult to sit or stand for long periods of time or to bend down and pick things off the floor. These are tasks that as a new mother you will find yourself performing often, which is why postpartum hip pain can be a real problem.

While over-the-counter pain medication can temporarily relieve hip pain, this is only a temporary solution. Pain medications are also not recommended for women who have recently given birth and are breastfeeding. So what is the solution?

Can I reduce my postpartum hip pain with exercises?

Experts in physical rehabilitation say that keeping your joints moving is key to overcoming hip pain after giving birth. Here are four exercises that physical therapists recommend for reducing your postpartum hip pain:

  1. Scooping — Lie back on your elbows with a pillow underneath your knees. As you exhale, squeeze your abdominal muscles inward. You want to try to pull your belly button toward your spine. Hold this position for 10 seconds; then release.
  1. Heel slides — With your back flat against the floor and your knees bent, put your heels as close to your buttocks as you can. Slide your right heel along the floor away from you, straightening your right leg. Hold for five seconds before bending your knee back again. Repeat with your left heel.
  1. Bridges — From a lying down position, tighten your buttock muscles by pushing your low back into the ground. Raise your hips, creating a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. Squeeze your abdominal muscles inward toward your spine, and hold for 30 seconds.
  1. Pelvic tilts — Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Slowly exhale and gently rock your hips toward your head. This should press your lower back against the floor. Hold this position and continue to breathe a few more breaths before exhaling and relaxing.

Where can I go if I need help treating my postpartum hip pain?

If you want an experienced partner to help you overcome your postpartum hip pain, turn to the experts at Continuum Wellness. Our team of physical therapy specialists have years of experience in treating many common conditions, including:

Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment. 

For more information, Contact Us Today.

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