3 important tips for managing lupus foot pain

Lupus is a chronic disease that results in the immune system targeting and damaging its own healthy tissue. It’s estimated that it affects nearly 5 million people across the world. The disease can attack many of your organs including the heart, kidneys, lungs and even the brain. Symptoms include joint pain, rashes and fatigue. There is no cure for lupus, but professional medical treatment, like physical therapy, can help a person effectively manage their symptoms.

So why might a person who has lupus also have foot pain? Pain in the feet can occur for several reasons for people with this condition. This can include increased swelling, joint inflammation, decreased circulation and even inflammation in blood vessels, which can result in nerve damage in your feet.

3 tips for managing your lupus foot pain

  • Avoid prolonged inactivity — Sitting at an office desk or in a chair for an extended period of time can trigger foot pain for people with lupus. It’s important to avoid sitting or even doing any one movement for too long, as this can cause increased joint pain in your hands and feet.
  • Incorporate movement into your daily routine — Making sure to get daily exercise is one great way to manage your foot pain from lupus. Regular physical activity can make a big difference for those with severe pain.
  • Go to physical therapyGoing to physical therapy is another great way to manage your lupus pain in your feet. Physical therapists have both experience and training in the methods of exercise and movement that are best for your symptoms.

Continuum Wellness can help treat your foot pain from lupus

Are you still not sure how a physical therapist can help you address why your feet keep hurting if you have lupus? Do you have any other questions or concerns you’d like to ask about, but you’re not sure if physical therapy is the best way to treat your specific health needs? At Continuum Wellness, we are specially trained to help diagnose and address issues that may be causing your foot pain. We offer free screenings to answer any of your questions, discuss options for treatment and aid in your journey toward better health! We also offer at-home treatment as well as virtual treatment to best fit your needs.

Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.

For more information, Contact Us Today.

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