Physical Therapy: How Manual Therapy May Benefit You

Physical therapy helps treat conditions such as joint stiffness, muscle aches and post-surgery recovery. This type of treatment often uses manual therapy to help restore movement and strength to the muscles and joints.

At Continuum Wellness, our team of physical therapists can help you with many of the issues that may be causing your aches and pains. We offer a variety of services designed to help get you moving again and restore your quality of life.

The first step in our physical therapy practice is to evaluate your pain. Our initial evaluation helps us to diagnose what is causing your symptoms. Then, we can use that information to create a personalized treatment plan to help you find relief.

Benefits of manual therapy in physical therapy

There are many types of manual therapy available in a physical therapy treatment plan. Manual therapy involves hands-on movements that are designed to help your body parts work better.

Many conditions could leave your joints or soft tissues inflamed, limit your mobility, reduce your flexibility and cause you pain or discomfort. Such conditions may include sports injuries, joint replacement surgeries or back pain to name a few.

Our physical therapists are experts in helping to realign muscle and bone structure to reduce your pain. We also work to reduce inflammation in the joints through guided stretches and other methods of physical therapy. These therapies include methods like joint mobilization, strain-counterstrain, muscle energy techniques and more.

The benefits of manual therapy may include:

  • Reducing the amount of pain you’re experiencing
  • Decreasing the frequency of injury-related muscle spasms
  • Improving your flexibility
  • Increasing your mobility

If you’ve been experiencing pain in your joints and muscles, it’s time to find relief. Our team at Continuum Wellness is here to help you take back your quality of life. Contact our team today for more information about our physical therapy services and to schedule an appointment.

For more information, Contact Us Today.

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