Athletic Trainers: What You May Not Know

When you’re looking for a great athletic trainer, you should look for someone who is dedicated and experienced. Athletic trainers play a very important role in sports. They are responsible for key elements of the game, such as maximizing performance and helping to prevent injury.

If you’re an athlete searching for an athletic trainer, consider these few things. Not all athletic trainers are created equally. Use these facts about the trainers at Continuum Wellness to help make your decision.

Two things to know about athletic trainers

One thing that you may not know about certified athletic trainers is that they are required to go through intense schooling. Our athletic trainers at Continuum Wellness are all certified trainers with years of experience.

A certified athletic trainer must complete a series of tests and studies. These studies focus on topics like anatomy, physiology and nutrition. Many of our trainers have studied for years before becoming certified. A majority of our team following this path will continue to get their M.S. and even doctoral degrees.

Also, our certified athletic trainers often earn special certifications in areas like strength and conditioning. This knowledge helps our trainers maximize each athlete’s potential.

Athletic trainers don’t focus only on helping to improve an athlete. While athletic performance is a major part of a trainer’s job, it’s not the only piece of the puzzle. A key element of an athletic trainer’s position is to help prevent injury. A star athlete can’t shine if he/she is sitting on the bench due to an injury.

As the trainers at Continuum Wellness work with our athletes, they focus on strength and form. Strength helps to stabilize and protect the joints, while form helps prevent injury. Our goal is to keep you playing harder, longer.

Continuum Wellness offers athletic training services

One of the many services that Continuum Wellness offers to the communities near Apache Junction, AZ, is our experienced and certified athletic training services. We have provided these services to schools in the East Valley area for years, so they can keep their sports teams safe with professional athletic trainers.

For more information about our athletic training sessions or other services that we offer, contact Continuum Wellness today.


For more information, Contact Us Today.

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