Sports injuries can range from mild to severe. Some injures just require rest to allow the body to heal, while others can benefit from professional attention to promote recovery. This can lead to many athletes seeking sports therapy near them. Participation in sports...
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Three steps physical therapists can take to help mitigate your car crash injuries
Car crashes can have effects that last long after the accident is over. The impact of a car crash can cause the body to absorb an overwhelming amount of force. The body can be thrown suddenly and violently, which can tear the muscles, tendons, and ligaments, and even...
The top cause of sudden pain in the back of the ankle and how PT can help
The ankle is a complex structure that can be vulnerable to a number of conditions affecting the joints. It’s easy to injure your ankle, especially if you're physically active. You can easily sprain your ankle from running or jumping. Physical therapists can help...
How can physical therapists help if you have sharp pain in your ankle but no swelling?
We rely on our feet to get us around throughout the day, and our feet depend on our ankles for unimpeded mobility. If your ankles hurt, it can make walking uncomfortable and even difficult. If you haven’t injured your ankle, then you probably want to know what could...
How can repetitive movements at work lead to an injury?
Unlike isolated injuries that occur once, like falling by accident, repetitive movements at work can lead to an injury over time. These are known as repetitive strain injuries (RSIs). They commonly occur at work because many jobs require the same sequence of tasks to...
What will a physical therapist try to do when your ankle hurts?
If your ankle hurts or makes it uncomfortable to walk, then you’re probably wondering what to do next. The first thing you should know is that your ankle is a complex structure. There are many different conditions that can cause ankle pain. A physical therapist may...
Four physical therapy exercises that can be excellent for shoulder pain
If you experience shoulder pain, tension or tightness, you’re not alone. In fact, these shoulder symptoms affect around a quarter of all adults. The good news is you may be able to reduce these uncomfortable symptoms with just a few exercises every day. Are you...
Four perpetrators that could be behind your ankle pain and swelling
If you experience ankle pain and swelling, it can make getting around difficult. It can be especially debilitating if your ankle pain worsens while walking. Or, if it prevents you from participating in activities you enjoy. Certain conditions that cause ankle pain may...
Why am I feeling ankle pain every day when I haven’t sprained my ankle?
In many people’s minds, feeling pain in their ankle is synonymous with an ankle sprain, and it’s true that this is one of the most common ankle injuries. However, it’s far from the only issue that can lead to ankle pain every day. Helping you learn why you’re feeling...
Three steps you can take at work to avoid a fall onto your shoulder
If you think back, there’s a decent chance that you can remember a time when you had a fall at work. You might have landed on your knee, hands, elbow or shoulder, and you may even have injured yourself. The National Safety Council reports that 244,000 workers fell...