Five conditions that hands-on physical therapy is used to treat

People try all kinds of things when it comes to pain. 

Many people turn to over-the-counter pain medications. These often achieve little more than masking the pain and failing to treat the root of it. 

Other people may turn to more invasive methods, like surgical procedures if a doctor thinks it’s OK. Others turn to unproven methods, such as acupuncture. However, when it comes to chronic pain, one treatment method that can benefit a wide range of people of all ages and body types is physical therapy. 

Physical therapists use a variety of techniques for treating pain and injuries. You may know that physical therapy involves a range of guided exercises, but are you familiar with hands-on therapy?

Also known as manual therapy, hands-on therapy involves a series of techniques that physical therapists use their hands for. This includes gentle mobilization techniques and maneuvering of your joints that can help reduce pain, improve your range of motion and break up scar tissue.

Five conditions that hands-on physical therapy can help treat

Hands-on physical therapy methods can be used to treat a wide range of injuries and conditions including:

  1. Strains — Your muscles and tendons can become overstretched or torn as a result of overexertion from physical activity or poor posture. Strains are common in your back and neck when you sit for too long with poor posture, and they’re common in your extremities if you push yourself too hard physically.
  2. Sprains — A sprain is when your ligaments stretch or tear similarly to your muscles or tendons in a strain. Sprains usually occur as a result of a forceful motion to your joint that forces your joint into an unnatural position.
  3. Tendinitis — Tendinitis is an inflammation of one of your tendons that results in pain and a limited range of motion. Overexertion or repetitive motions can cause the development of tendinitis near one of your joints.
  4. Bursitis — The bursae are tiny sacs of fluid that protect the tendons from rubbing against your bones. Overexertion or frequent use of one of your joints can cause the bursae to become irritated and inflamed, which is known as bursitis.
  5. Arthritis — Arthritis causes the cartilage in your joints to break down over time. There are several types of arthritis that act at different paces and target different joints of your body. Arthritis has no cure, but physical therapy methods, such as hands-on therapy, can help manage the pain and stiffness.

Visit Continuum Wellness for help with your aches and pains

Are you suffering from long-lasting pain or an injury that is limiting your freedom and ability to enjoy your life? Our team at Continuum Wellness can provide a personalized treatment that could include hands-on physical therapy to help you manage your condition. Contact our team today for more information about treating your aches and pains with hands-on physical therapy or to schedule an initial appointment.

For more information, Contact Us Today.

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