How back of the neck pain is related to your headaches

It’s a normal part of life to have a headache every now and then, but when you suffer from frequent or intense headaches along with neck pain, you may have a condition that requires treatment.

Back of the neck pain and headaches often go along with one another because of the connection between your spine and head. Poor posture, overexertion or injury can strain or harm the muscles and tendons in your neck. This leads to additional stress on the spine that puts pressure on the nerves running through it. Since these nerves run directly into your brain, this neck pain often results in a headache as well. 

This is known as a cervicogenic headache.

What to do about back of the neck pain and headaches

Treatments for cervicogenic headaches vary depending on their severity and other factors like age and medical history. Some people turn to pain medications for quick relief, but these often fail to address the issues causing your neck pain and headaches. Physical therapy can help treat the tension in your muscles and tendons, ultimately helping to reduce pain in the back of the neck and the head.

Physical therapy treatments are always personalized to the needs of each individual patient. If you visit a physical therapist, like those at Continuum Wellness, you can expect a thoroughly customized treatment that will likely include:

  • Strength exercises — Improving the strength of your neck muscles helps to keep them limber and improves their support of your spine and head. This can reduce pressure off your spine that causes headaches.
  • Stretches — Gentle stretches can help reduce tension that increases pressure on your spine. They can also help improve your range of motion.
  • Hands-on therapy — Hands-on techniques, such as joint mobilization and soft tissue mobilization, can help reduce pain, improve your range of motion and break down scar tissue.
  • Posture guidance — Because poor posture is a common cause of neck pain, your physical therapist will want to examine your posture and help you make corrections that can reduce and prevent neck pain.

Visit Continuum Wellness for neck pain and headache treatment

Do you have frequent neck pain and headaches that make it difficult to get through the day? Our team at Continuum Wellness is here to help you treat your pain and improve your quality of life. Contact our team today for more information about back of the neck pain and headaches or to schedule an initial appointment.

For more information, Contact Us Today.

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