How can repetitive movements at work lead to an injury?

Unlike isolated injuries that occur once, like falling by accident, repetitive movements at work can lead to an injury over time. These are known as repetitive strain injuries (RSIs). They commonly occur at work because many jobs require the same sequence of tasks to be performed every day. An RSI is problematic because people depend on their jobs and an injury can make it difficult to work. Physical therapists are ready to step in and treat the injury, but they serve other functions too. They can also help educate the patient to help prevent the injury from happening again. 

Are you wondering how repetitive movements at work can lead to an injury? Physical therapy can help treat your RSI or even prevent one from occurring in the first place. 

How repetitive movements at work can lead to injuries 

Your chances of developing an RSI depends on the kind of job you have. It’s important to consider that you can sustain a workplace injury anywhere: whether it’s at the office or a construction site. 

The most common injuries related to working are those caused by overexertion. There were over 275,000 workplace injuries due to overexertion in 2019. Overexertion refers to injuries caused when the body undergoes an excess of physical stress. If you lift heavy objects every day, you can develop a repetitive stress injury in your back. This would be an example of overexertion.

Jobs that can cause a repetitive strain injury

Not all jobs are equally strenuous. Some jobs are more likely to result in a repetitive strain injury. For example, jobs that are high intensity like construction work or athletic occupations include daily stress on your body that can wear you down. These occupations may eventually cause a repetitive strain injury. 

You may be surprised to discover that repetitive strain injuries can occur even at office jobs. If you’re at your desk all day typing and using a computer, you can develop an RSI. Your hands and wrists are particularly liable to repetitive strain. Or, you can develop “text neck” from having bad posture at your desk. That’s why ergonomics are key to preventing an RSI at the office. 

Another occupation that can cause an RSI is working as a checkout clerk. If you’re scanning items at a checkout, you are performing the same motion several hours a day. This can cause a gradual buildup of stress that damages the musculoskeletal system over time.

Worried that repetitive movements at work may lead to an injury? Continuum Wellness is ready to help you prevent an RSI 

Injuring yourself at work is frustrating because it may prevent you from doing your job well. Our physical therapists at Continuum Wellness are experts in treating workplace injuries as well as educating you on preventing them. We are prepared to develop a personalized treatment plan that gets you back to work with confidence. 

Contact our team today for more information about how repetitive movements at work can lead to an injury or to schedule an initial appointment.

For more information, Contact Us Today.

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