How to prevent lower back pain — five things you can do

Lower back pain is extremely common, affecting millions of people each year. Whether it is caused by injury or age-related issues, there is no way to completely prevent lower back pain. This is because our lower backs play such an important role in supporting the upper body while also being flexible enough for movements like bending and twisting. These stressful factors make lower back pain all but inevitable for many. 

However, there are a number of lifestyle factors that can significantly contribute to lower back pain. By taking the necessary steps to address them, you can reduce your risk of developing a lower back injury or condition. 

Take these important steps for lower back pain prevention

A healthy lifestyle that promotes the health of your lower back should include: 

  1. Practicing good posture — Poor posture can unevenly distribute weight in your lower back, increasing the pressure on muscles and the spine.
  2. Eating a healthy diet — In addition to contributing to weight gain, a poor diet can lead to inflammation, fatigue, muscle and joint degeneration and a number of other health issues that negatively affect the lower back. 
  3. Managing your weight — Carrying around extra weight adds to the already considerable strain on the back. 
  4. Staying active — Regular exercise has a number of benefits, including strengthening the muscles and increasing the flow of nutrient rich blood to your back. 
  5. Avoiding tobacco products — In addition to all of the well-known health problems associated with tobacco products, it can also negatively affect the back by reducing blood flow to the area. 


Whether you’re trying to treat or prevent lower back pain, working with a physical therapist can be a critical part of your action plan. 

Lower back pain care at Continuum Wellness

No matter what your health and wellness goals are, the caring experts at Continuum Wellness can create an effective treatment plan for you. We’ll perform a detailed examination that involves reviewing your medical history and performing movement tests. From there, we can design a personalized approach to help you increase range of motion and strengthen your lower back to help treat and prevent lower back pain. 

Ready to start your treatment journey? Contact us today to schedule your initial appointment 

For more information, Contact Us Today.

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