Post-surgical rehab for knee surgery in Apache Junction, AZ

Post-surgical rehab for knee surgery in Apache Junction, Arizona can be easier to find than you think. In fact, there’s a physical therapy team right here in town that can help you with your rehab.

Continuum Wellness is proud to offer high-quality physical therapy services to the residents of Apache Junction, Arizona. No matter which of our services you use, our team always has two goals for your therapy. The first goal is to help you heal as much as possible, and the second is to help you heal as quickly as possible. To help meet these goals, we create personalized therapy plans that focus on the specific issues you’re having. One service we offer that embodies these goals is our post-surgical rehab for knee surgery in Apache Junction, Arizona.

Therapies we may use in post-surgical rehab for knee surgery in Apache Junction, AZ

There’s one thing that our team has noticed about our patients who come to us for post-surgical rehab for knee surgery in Apache Junction, Arizona. This is that these patients want to know as much about their rehab as possible.

One thing our team can tell you is that you’re not alone if you’ve had knee surgery. According to an iData Research study, more than 966,000 knee replacement surgeries were done in 2017 alone. Even more worrying, the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons projects that this number will skyrocket to 3.5 million surgeries per year by 2030. For our team, this growing number of knee surgeries means that there are and will continue to be more people who need post-surgical rehab.

We can also tell you that post-surgical rehab may be very helpful for you after knee surgery. For one thing, it may help you to reduce the amount of pain you have after your surgery. Our rehab may also help to restore range of motion to your knee joint more quickly after surgery. We may even be able to use post-surgical rehab to help you prevent knee problems in the future.

All of these benefits to you are made possible by our personalized post-surgical rehab plans. To help you meet your individual needs, the rehab plan we build for you may include therapies such as:

  • Manual therapy
  • Targeted knee exercises
  • Ultrasound therapy
  • Aquatic therapy
  • Thermotherapy
  • Electrical stimulation

By combining these and other therapies, our team may be able to help you build the most effective plan for your post-surgical rehab. The best part is that you don’t have to wait until after your surgery to get started. In fact, our team encourages you to schedule your post-surgical rehab with us before you even have your surgery.

If you’re ready to begin your post-surgical rehab for knee surgery at our Apache Junction, Arizona office, there only one thing you need to do. Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial evaluation.

For more information, Contact Us Today.

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