Recovering from a sports injury with physical therapy

One of the joys of participating in sports is pushing your body to the extremes and seeing how fast, strong and coordinated you can become. But, sometimes you can push it too far. When this happens, it’s common to suffer a sports injury.

Athletes of all levels are vulnerable to a variety of sports injuries. Often, injuries occur as a result of not properly warming up before training or competition. You’re also more likely to get hurt when competing while exhausted. Tired muscles and soft tissue are more vulnerable to stretching and tearing.

Even if you prepare well for activity, you can still get injured. Whether you’re an amateur athlete or a professional, you need to have a plan for recovering from a sports injury so you can get back to doing what you love.

Treating sports injuries with physical therapy

Many athletes visit physical therapists for assistance in recovering from a sports injury. Physical therapists are experts in treating injuries and conditions that affect your muscles, bones, joints and soft tissue. They can help reduce pain, improve recovery time and prevent future injuries without the use of drugs or surgical methods.

Common physical therapy methods used when treating a sports injury include:

    • Stretches and exercises — Stretches and exercises help the muscles and soft tissue around the injury stay strong and flexible. This helps remove pressure off of the injury while it recovers and improves your ability to return to activity after recovering.
    • Manual therapy — Physical therapists can use hands-on techniques like joint mobilization or strain-counterstrain to reduce pain and improve range of motion. These techniques often involve mobilizations of the joints and soft tissue into different positions you could not perform on your own.
    • Electrical stimulation — A machine can deliver small bursts of electricity to your muscles through electrodes connected to your skin. These bursts of electricity cause the muscles to expand and contract. This helps the muscles stay active and strong when you cannot use them yourself. It also helps soothe any pain.


Visit Continuum Wellness for sports injury treatment

If you’re an athlete who’s been hurt in training or competition, don’t put off treatment. Trying to “tough it out” usually results in prolonged pain and a worse condition. Visit a physical therapist at Continuum Wellness to get started on your recovery journey. Contact our team today for more information about sports injury treatment or to schedule an initial appointment.

For more information, Contact Us Today.

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