Three steps physical therapists can take to help mitigate your car crash injuries

Car crashes can have effects that last long after the accident is over. The impact of a car crash can cause the body to absorb an overwhelming amount of force. The body can be thrown suddenly and violently, which can tear the muscles, tendons, and ligaments, and even damage the nerves. Car crash injuries can be severe. The good news is that physical therapists can provide safe and effective treatment for many injuries after an accident.

Are you wondering if you should seek treatment for car crash injuries? Here are three different steps physical therapists can take to mitigate your car crash pain. 

Three steps physical therapist can take to help you after a car accident

A car accident can leave you with a variety of symptoms, like whiplash or spinal problems. A physical therapist can address these concerns and more. Here are three steps a physical therapist can take to help you get back to normal after a car crash:

  1. Promoting recovery — The first thing you want to do if you are dealing with car crash injuries is ensure that your body is healing. While the body has an amazing capacity to heal itself, sometimes it can use extra help. A physical therapist can promote recovery by ensuring that you don’t develop postural problems following a car accident. They can make sure your joints remain functional with joint mobilization techniques. They may also recommend specific therapeutic exercises to help strengthen your body after an injury. 
  1. Managing pain — Car crash injuries can be painful, and a physical therapist can help manage your pain. Manual therapy techniques like soft tissue mobilization can stimulate your soft tissue. This reduces inflammation and tension that can contribute to pain. They may also recommend electrical stimulation and dry needling to relieve other muscular problems.
  1. Maintaining mobility — Serious injuries can impede bodily mobility if it becomes painful to move. A physical therapist will work with you to develop a plan that addresses chronic pain concerns after a car accident. They will show you the best stretching and exercise techniques to do in the future to keep your body’s range of motion intact. 

Continuum Wellness is prepared to provide treatment for your car crash injuries 

A car crash can be a traumatic experience to go through. It can be made even worse by the often debilitating pain that follows the accident. Our team at Continuum Wellness understands the pain that can be caused by car crashes. We are here to provide you quality care to get you feeling better today. Our team will develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your car accident pain.

Contact our team today for more information about car crash injuries or to schedule an initial appointment. 

For more information, Contact Us Today.

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