Three symptoms of shoulder rheumatoid arthritis

In 2015, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that almost 22% of Arizona residents had some form of arthritis. This means that almost one in every four people has some type of arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis is one type you could have. If you’re having issues with your shoulder, these issues could be shoulder rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. 

What is rheumatoid arthritis?

Unlike the more common osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis isn’t a condition that is caused by natural wear and tear. Instead, this type of arthritis is the result of your immune system attacking the joints. It’s unclear exactly why this happens, but some doctors suggest that the attacks could be started by an infection in or near a joint. 

Three common shoulder rheumatoid arthritis symptoms

One joint where rheumatoid arthritis can be felt is the shoulder, and this condition leads to several shoulder rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. 

1.   Shoulder pain

The most common symptom of rheumatoid arthritis is pain in the shoulder joint. Depending on the individual, the shoulder pain can be just a mild tenderness of the joint. However, it can also develop into sharp, shooting pains in the shoulder and upper arm. No matter where on the pain spectrum you fall, this condition can make it harder to do normal daily tasks.

2.   Joint swelling

Another symptom of this issue is swelling in the joint. Rheumatoid arthritis tends to cause increased inflammation in the joints. In turn, inflammation can cause fluid to build up in the shoulder, and it’s this fluid that creates the visible swelling in the shoulder joint. The swelling can make it difficult to do everyday tasks like reaching over your head to get something out of a cabinet. 

3.   Rheumatoid nodules

Rheumatoid arthritis has been known to cause bumps to form under the skin around the affected joint. These bumps are called nodules, and one sign that you have this type of arthritis in your shoulder is nodules on the upper arm and on the shoulder. 

Continuum Wellness can help treat rheumatoid arthritis symptoms

Shoulder rheumatoid arthritis symptoms aren’t something you should tackle on your own. Our team at Continuum Wellness in Apache Junction, Arizona, is here to help you. We’ll do an initial screening to make sure rheumatoid arthritis is indeed the cause of your shoulder problems. Then, our team will build you a personalized therapy plan, and your plan can include therapy techniques such as: 

Take the next step to get our help with your arthritis. Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an appointment.

For more information, Contact Us Today.

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