Three ways your physical therapist keeps your recovery on track

Recovering from an injury can be a challenging time. It is hard to get around with limited strength and mobility, and the actual process of rehabilitation can be demanding. However, physical therapy offers many benefits to your recovery that make the effort worth it, including reduced pain, quicker recovery, improved blood flow and reduced muscle atrophy.

You might be tempted to do your recovery on your own, but a professional physical therapist can help keep your recovery on track to help you reach your recovery goals without complicating your progress.

1. Motivation

Every patient is different. What works for you may not apply to someone else. You may be afraid that your therapist will be like a drill sergeant, but physical therapists want to work with you to understand what gets you to respond to treatment best. Some people need tough love to push them through an exercise, while others put forth maximum effort with words of encouragement. Your physical therapist is a master motivator trained to help you get the most out of your physical therapy.

2. Monitoring

When you are living with and recovering from an injury, it can be difficult to see the small daily improvements. That is why physical therapists use objective measurements to keep track of your progress. They may keep track of the following:

  • Range of motion
  • Stamina
  • Swelling
  • Pain levels

To keep you from getting discouraged during your physical therapy, your therapist will have this information so you can be up to date on the progress you may otherwise not notice at first. 

3. Adjusting goals

You may be given a post-operative routine and find it to be way too easy. On the other hand, if you suffer a setback, then the exercises you were given may prove too difficult or even dangerous. Your physical therapist can adjust your exercise intensity and goals to reflect your rate of recovery. Though adjusting goals may seem like a simple matter, setting proper goals is vital to keep patients from being discouraged, and also to help provide a safe recovery pace.

Visit Continuum Wellness for help with your aches and pains

Are you suffering from long-lasting pain or an injury? Don’t try to recover on your own. You’ll likely lose motivation or could do something incorrectly, leading to further harm. Continuum Wellness knows that physical therapy can be difficult, but focusing on the needs of the patient is vital to a positive rehabilitation experience. 

Contact our team today for more information about physical therapy or to schedule an initial appointment.

For more information, Contact Us Today.

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