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What is the proper posture to avoid neck pain?

Many office workers experience neck, shoulder and back pain after working at their computer all day. This issue may cause some people to wonder, “What is the proper posture to avoid neck pain?” Fortunately, there’s a physical therapy team that may be able to help you answer this important question.

Our team at Continuum Wellness is committed to helping the residents of Apache Junction, Arizona find the most effective physical therapy. One reason we’re able do this consistently is we understand every patient is different, and this means each person experiences injuries and medical conditions differently. Our team acknowledges this truth by not trying to use cookie-cutter therapy plans on our patients. Instead, we’ll create a personalized therapy plan for you, and such a plan may be particularly helpful when you’re trying to figure out what the proper posture to avoid neck pain is.

Three tips that may help you maintain proper posture to avoid neck pain

A lot of people may not know the proper posture to use to avoid neck pain after a long day at the office. However, we can offer you some information that may help.

The most effective way to maintain good neck posture while working on a computer involves more body structures than just the neck. For one thing, you should try to keep your shoulders back and not hunch them forward. We also recommend that you try to sit with a slight curve in your lower back. This back posture will allow your core muscles to support you more easily. All these other postural factors make it much easier to keep your neck in the proper sitting posture with your chin tucked in.

The placement of your computer monitor is a major factor in maintaining good neck posture. In fact, there are several helpful tips we encourage you to consider using. The first neck posture tip we recommend is to adjust how far away your computer screen is. Your screen should be at least an arm’s length away in order to keep your neck positioned properly. Having your screen too close or too far away may cause you to tilt your neck forward in order to see it, which can lead to neck pain.

A second tip our team offers is to adjust your screen height to eye level. This may help you avoid a head-forward posture that can be tough on your neck. We also always encourage you to place your computer monitor directly in front of you. We know some people like to sit at an angle to their monitor, but this can twist your neck in ways that may lead to neck pain.

Our Continuum Wellness team hopes these tips will allow you to develop proper neck posture and avoid neck pain. If you’re curious about other ways we can help you treat neck pain and other issues, there’s only one step you’ll need to take to satisfy your curiosity.

Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.

For more information, Contact Us Today.

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