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What to expect out of physical therapy for hip pain

Taking good care of your hips is an important part of your overall well-being. Your hips are responsible for bearing a large portion of your upper body weight and for powering the movements of your legs and waist. When one or both or your hips are affected by long-lasting pain and stiffness or a sudden injury, you’ll need to visit a health care professional for treatment.

Treatments for hip pain vary depending on the cause and severity of your condition. In many cases, you can benefit from physical therapy, which can help reduce and prevent hip pain using noninvasive, non-medication-based methods.

What to expect from physical therapy for hip pain

Physical therapy for hip pain looks a little different for everyone. Each treatment is personalized to the needs of each individual patient. However, there are some general treatment methods you can expect the use of in some form, including:

  • Aerobic training — Low-impact aerobic exercises help increase your heart rate without stressing your hips. Increasing your heart rate helps improve blood flow to the hips, which delivers vital oxygen and nutrients your hips need for improved function and reduced pain.
  • Therapeutic strengthening exercises — Therapeutic strengthening exercises are gentle exercises aimed at improving the strength of your hops. Increasing your strength is important for reducing pain and improving your range of motion. Stronger muscles help reduce pressure off the joints and increase support for your hips when they’re affected by chronic conditions like arthritis.
  • Gentle stretching — Gentle stretches can help improve the flexibility of your muscles and soft tissue in your hips, legs and lower back. Stronger, more flexible muscles in these areas help improve your mobility and range of motion.
  • Manual therapy — Manual therapy includes methods like soft tissue mobilization and joint mobilization, which can be used to reduce pain, improve your range of motion and break up scar tissue.
  • Balance exercises — Prolonged hip pain or an injury to your hips can make it difficult for you to balance, which increases your risk of falling and getting hurt. Physical therapists can guide you through balance exercises that help you stay on your feet.
  • Posture guidance — Poor posture can contribute to an increase of hip pain. Your physical therapist can examine your sitting, standing and sleeping posture and can help you make corrections that can reduce your pain.

Visit Continuum Wellness for hip pain treatment

Are you suffering from long-lasting or intense hip pain that keeps you from enjoying your daily life? Our team at Continuum Wellness can help. We can provide a personalized treatment routine using methods like these above to help you improve your quality of life. Contact our team today for more information about hip pain treatment or to schedule an initial appointment.

For more information, Contact Us Today.

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