Why you need physical therapy after a stroke

Strokes are always concerning because of the life-threatening element, but they can also lead to a series of lifelong challenges that survivors have to fight to overcome. For example, when you have a stroke, you might lose motor control over certain limbs or part of your face. You may have difficulty balancing as well as weaker grip strength and other symptoms.

Rehabilitation is a priority after a stroke. The goal is to help you improve your strength, range of motion, balance and grip strength that have all been affected by the stroke, so you can resume normal daily activities at home and at work.

How do physical therapists help when you’ve had a stroke?

How exactly a physical therapist helps in your rehabilitation depends on how your stroke has affected you and other personal factors, like age, weight and medical history. Stroke rehabilitation with a physical therapist is always personalized to your needs, but you can generally expect treatment to include:

  • Patient education — Physical therapists can show you how to use assistive devices safely, such as walkers, canes or wheelchairs.
  • Therapeutic exercises and stretches — Gentle exercises and stretches can be used to target specific muscle groups for improving function and grip strength.
  • Manual therapy — Manual therapy can help reduce tension in your soft tissue and joints that may make daily function after a stroke more difficult.
  • Balance and gait exercises — Your physical therapist can guide you through a series of balance and gait exercises to help you stay on your feet while standing or walking. This is important because a fall can lead to a wide range of injuries, especially in senior citizens.
  • Posture guidance — Poor posture can make life more difficult and painful, especially after a stroke. Your physical therapist can examine your posture and help you make corrections that are within your capabilities.

Visit Continuum Wellness today for stroke physical therapy

A stroke will have a major impact on your life, but treatment with a physical therapist can help you regain your independence. Our team at Continuum Wellness is here to help. Contact our team today for more information about physical therapy after a stroke or to schedule an initial appointment.

For more information, Contact Us Today.

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