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Treating arthritis pain without the meds

Treating arthritis pain without the meds

Reducing your ability to lift your coffee cup. Curtailing your ability to play with your grandkids. Preventing you from walking the dog without pain. These are just a few of the everyday effects that arthritis can cause.  While arthritis is commonly believed to be a...

How the food you eat causes pain

How the food you eat causes pain

It might come as a surprise to some people, but what you put in your mouth can make your aches and pains worse. As the old saying goes, “You are what you eat.”  There are many foods that can cause inflammation and actually result in chronic pain. Eating a healthier...

Is the dull pain in my hip arthritis?

Is the dull pain in my hip arthritis?

You wake up every morning, and there it is: the dull pain in your hip. The pain follows you throughout your daily activities. It’s there while you’re walking the dog. It might even make it hard for you to do your job effectively. Dealing with hip pain effectively...

Is my ankle sprained? Five signs that it is

Is my ankle sprained? Five signs that it is

Ankles. Most people don’t pay much attention to this joint. At least, they don’t until it begins to hurt. It’s usually at that point that you might stop to consider how many common activities rely on healthy ankles.  Having a sprained ankle is an issue that can make...

What does it mean when the top of my shoulder hurts?

What does it mean when the top of my shoulder hurts?

The answer to this question could be harder to find than you might think. One reason for this is that the shoulder is such a complex joint. Another reason is that shoulder pain is so common.  Researchers who have studied shoulder pain reveal that up to 70% of people...