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What are some common causes of chronic headaches?

What are some common causes of chronic headaches?

Most of us can bear having a headache every once in a while. We simply take some over-the-counter pain meds, get some rest and go about our lives. However, things aren’t so simple when you’re dealing with chronic headaches.  People with chronic headaches have them at...

Why is running causing me to feel inner knee pain?

Why is running causing me to feel inner knee pain?

This can be a vital question to answer if you experience inner knee pain during a run. Just how likely are you to experience running-related knee pain? More likely than you might think.  One study reports that about half of the 6.6 million knee injuries treated in...

Three stretches you can use for hip arthritis

Three stretches you can use for hip arthritis

Hip arthritis patients often develop tense muscles in their legs, buttocks and lower back, and these tense muscles can further decrease hip range of motion (ROM) and increase pain.  There are specific stretches that people can do for the muscles affected by hip...

How did I develop both lower back and hip pain?

How did I develop both lower back and hip pain?

Have you bent over to pick something up off the floor today? Have you walked around at all? The odds are that the answer to both of these questions is yes, and both of these normal daily activities require close coordination between your hips and lower back.  However,...