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Physical Therapy: How Manual Therapy May Benefit You

Physical Therapy: How Manual Therapy May Benefit You

Physical therapy helps treat conditions such as joint stiffness, muscle aches and post-surgery recovery. This type of treatment often uses manual therapy to help restore movement and strength to the muscles and joints. At Continuum Wellness, our team of physical...

Sports Therapy at Continuum Wellness

Sports Therapy at Continuum Wellness

Sports therapy is a treatment option that you may want to become familiar with if you play any sport. Whether you play professionally or recreationally, there is always a risk of injury. Sports with high impact and collision rates, such as football, rugby, soccer and...

Athletic Trainers: What You May Not Know

Athletic Trainers: What You May Not Know

When you’re looking for a great athletic trainer, you should look for someone who is dedicated and experienced. Athletic trainers play a very important role in sports. They are responsible for key elements of the game, such as maximizing performance and helping to...

Treating Arthritis Pain Without The Meds

Treating Arthritis Pain Without The Meds

Arthritis is a catch-all term used to describe more than 100 different kinds of joint pain and joint disease. While arthritis is commonly believed to be a condition that afflicts the elderly, the reality is that it can strike people in early middle age. In fact, elite...

Physical Therapy for Arthritis Pain

Physical Therapy for Arthritis Pain

Chances are, using physical therapy to treat arthritis isn’t a new suggestion for you. PT has been a respected treatment option for decades, and is known for helping joint pain and stiffness. You may have resisted because the idea of putting yourself through painful...

Still hurting? Your Diet Could Be Why  

Still hurting? Your Diet Could Be Why  

What you put in your mouth can make your aches and pains worse. Like they say, “You are what you eat.” There are many foods that can cause inflammation and actually result in pain. Eating a healthier diet can help you feel better, without those nagging aches and...